If you live in an area with a Smashburger, you may have seen this cringe-worthy ad. Smashburger, a burger chain which actually makes a really delicious burger, has been using an ad which is difficult to sit through and deserves to be mocked.
So. Awkward.
No one needs to hear how this woman likes her men to be big, juicy and named Angus. Apparently your burger is also life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Did the folks in charge of writing the copy for this ad all mentally check out and just fill the script with tired, nonsensical cliches? It sure seems that way.
Then there’s the blonde and brunette duo who apparently are only capable of shouting random words. Honestly, we’re a little worried about the blonde girl. Is she having a breakdown of some sort? Should we seek medical attention?
All in all, we’ve seen worse ads, but this one is so frustrating and so annoying that we couldn’t resist talking about it with our readers. Considering the product in question is actually very good, it’s painful to see such a horrible ad representing the brand/company. Stop shouting at us, stop using nonsense to sell your burger and please keep that woman’s taste in men to herself.