Coca-Cola’s giant Santa Claus marionette creeps us out

The minds over at Coca-Cola are trying something a bit different this Holiday season. In the past we've always seen Coca-Cola trucks, decked out in lights, traveling through a picturesque snowy landscape. This year we still see one of their trucks but instead of bringing Holiday cheer it delivers an enormous, Santa Claus marionette that's worthy of starring in its own horror movie.

We're sure that if you stumbled outside and unwrapped this thing you'd just be overjoyed to climb it and operate it. We're also sure you'd actually know how to operate it. The creepy Santa awkwardly walks down the street, winking at workers in office buildings, guaranteeing future psychiatrist visits are in their future. 

The little old lady minding her business decorating her balcony is scooped up by the Santa. That'd be our first instinct too. All aboard this freakish monstrosity! Upon arriving at their destination, our main character eats with her family. Did the rest of the people operating the Santa have to wait outside? We're left with the haunting image of the family eating dinner with the Santa waiting, watching through the window. 

Nightmare fuel. Stick to your old strategy, Coca-Cola. 

About David Rogers

Editor for The Comeback and Contributing Editor for Awful Announcing. Lover of hockey, soccer and all things pop culture.
