Have you ever watched an advertisement thinking it’s completely normal, when all the sudden you’re floored by something ridiculous that happens suddenly? Well if so, we’ve got a special treat for you.
Flex Seal Colors, a product that paints and seals simultaneously, released this crazy advertisement. After a fairly vanilla start, about 45 seconds in things take a turn for the WTF. Take a look.
Yes, that’s a SUBMARINE TRUCK.
I have so many questions… How did this commercial pitch go? “Yeah, let’s advertise our product using everyday examples: Covering a table, spraying over graffiti and sealing our spokesperson underwater in a truck submarine.” Who thought that was a good idea? Why did Phil Swift agree to this? Did they actually create a working submarine truck? Why? WHY? WHY?
I’ve never watched a commercial where I’ve genuinely been concerned for a spokespersons well-being. While I’m sure there were multiple safety precautions with some TV magic involved, I’m very afraid the glass is suddenly going to cave in on this poor guy… I mean look at this! Look how happy he is.
Mr. Swift, I commend you for your courage in the face of impending doom.
While this spot takes a bizarre turn, it’s effective because I can honestly say I’ve never seen anything like it. I’m not sure if it’s good or bad, but I can’t stop watching it. This sets an interesting and unfortunate precedent going forward for the company because now I expect all their commercials to up the ante and try to top this effort, which I’m not sure is A) possible B) safe. Godspeed.