Derrick Rose's torn ACL during Chicago's run in the playoffs was devastating. As a sports fan, you know that inconsolable feeling when your star player goes down when your team needs him most. Such was the case for the city of Chicago when Rose went down during the team's series against Philadelphia.
This new spot from Addias does a remarkable job of capturing that feeling of hopelessness when Rose went down. The world quite literally stops for passionate sports fans in the Windy City. Whether you're a fan of the Bulls or not, the ad is extremely relateable. We've all been in that spot where the world of sports delivers a crushing blow.
Adidas breaks the silence with Rose on his road to recovery. As he builds his strength, the city of Chicago churns back to life. Adidas has also connected this spot to a campaign on Twitter, using the hashtag #TheReturn. Will Rose's return be as successful as this Adidas commercial? We'll find out in October.