FX’s The League imitates Brett Favre’s Wrangler ad

FX's The League is comfortable in their jeans. Make that skinny jeans. In an ad that warmly imitates Brett Favre's Wrangler ad – you know, the one where Favre is simply comfortable beyond words in his jeans during a pickup game – The League announces its return on October 11th with a spot that informs us how comfortable they are in their league. Terrell Suggs even makes a somewhat comfortable cameo.  


Suggs can also be found in one other clip where we learn what happens when he prays. Hungry for more NFL cameos? The League found some extra money in the advertising budget this season and are currently running spots with RG3, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Ryan and Matt Kalil, DeSean Jackson and Trent Richardson

About David Rogers

Editor for The Comeback and Contributing Editor for Awful Announcing. Lover of hockey, soccer and all things pop culture.
