Jose Canseco’s Old Milwaukee beer ads revealed

Jose Canseco starred in several (four by our count) Old Milwaukee beer commercials that aired exclusively in Kansas City during the 2012 MLB All-Star Break. Since then the ads have become mythological, seen by only a select few. The legend grew as those of us that weren't in one of the select markets questioned what we were missing, finding only stills of the ads on Google. Deadspin previously ran a story on these ads in an article that contained crude versions taped off a TV. Today we feature HD versions in all their glory.

Above, you'll see Canseco sitting in an empty stadium with his back to the viewer. He turns to address the audience. We'll let you question why he is sitting inside an empty stadium in full uniform on your own. He then directly brings up steroid use in baseball, calling out his cowardly colleagues that failed to come forward. "Old Milwaukee. It's back. Baseball's back. I'm back. Why not?" If that tagline won't get you drinking I'm not sure what will.

Another ad from Old Milwaukee (below) features Jose Canseco thanking the Kansas City Royals for not cheating or using steroids. To quote Canseco, "sometimes last place is first place". Gold, Jerry. Gold.

Canseco takes the field for Old Milwaukee in an ad that appeared during the 2012 Home Run Derby.

Finally, Old Milwaukee decided to have Canseco appear in an ad where he wasn't required to speak – a smart decision. Using a high-speed camera, Canseco cracks open an Old Milwaukee beer with a mighty swing. It's a cool visual but it doesn't really fit into the campaign of Canseco making a fool of himself for our enjoyment.

About David Rogers

Editor for The Comeback and Contributing Editor for Awful Announcing. Lover of hockey, soccer and all things pop culture.
