Agent Smith from the Matrix shows up in a commercial for GE

Fans of the Matrix should be pretty happy with this new commercial from General Electric (GE). In an effort to show off how the company helps create and develop technology for brilliant machines (in this case for use in a hospital), GE went out and asked Hugo Weaving to don the suit and reprise his role as Agent Smith. The commercial is titled "Agent of Good."

Smith, and clones of himself, walk around a hospital loaded with GE technology, explaining how some of the latest developments have improved medical treatments and visits. He then answers a ringing telephone, a clever nod to the films where Agent Smith originated. 

Is it a bit odd to see a character from a franchise that we haven't heard much from since 2003 pitching a company such as GE? Definitely, but fans of the Matrix series should be thrilled to see Weaving back in his suit. Now if only they could have worked in a drawn out "Mr. Anderson…"

About David Rogers

Editor for The Comeback and Contributing Editor for Awful Announcing. Lover of hockey, soccer and all things pop culture.
