New Chicago Cubs slogan is a bit misguided

The Chicago Cubs have announced their new slogan and marketing messages for 2013. The Cubs will use "Committed" for the season and will have marketing campaigns built around this idea and slogans such as "Not if. When" and "Nothing worth having ever comes easy."

Committed? If Chicago Cubs fans ever wondered if they were insane for rooting for a team that hasn't won a title in over 100 years, the Cubs went ahead and confirmed the notion with their new slogan. Apparently, we're not the only ones that think the choice was a bit misguided. 

There's nothing wrong with centering your marketing around your fans' passion for the game and team, but surely someone must have realized that using a word that also refers to someone being sent to a mental institution probably wasn't the best idea for this specific organization. No one thought "Dedicated" might work better?

(H/T Chicago Tribune)

About David Rogers

Editor for The Comeback and Contributing Editor for Awful Announcing. Lover of hockey, soccer and all things pop culture.
