Nike Golf: Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy prove no cup is safe

What happens when Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy are together out on the driving range? No cup is safe.

Welcome back to fun advertisements, Tiger Woods. Tiger easily has the best line of the ad, asking McIlroy if that's "his real hair" shortly after McIlroy insults Tiger on his age. We even see Woods resort back to a bit of golf ball juggling, a skill he became famous for several years ago. 

This new spot from Nike was released shortly after it was announced that McIlroy had signed a $200 million deal to represent the company. That type of money should easily repair all of the damage he and Tiger caused during their quest to conquer the world's cups. 

About David Rogers

Editor for The Comeback and Contributing Editor for Awful Announcing. Lover of hockey, soccer and all things pop culture.
