Sound Off: Which credit card company has the worst commercials?

Credit card commercials are inescapable. Try as you might, you'll end up seeing a ridiculous number of ads for credit cards over the course of a month. Some are tolerable. Others…not so much. The Awful Advertisements staff has already dolled out our fair share of criticism towards several credit card companies, but we didn't think that was enough. We wanted you, the reader, to sound off and tell us which credit card company has the worst commercials. 

Below are some of the responses we received on Twitter. It's interesting to see which companies were named (Capital One – we're looking at you) and perhaps more importantly, which companies escaped your wrath (MasterCard). If you want to join future discussions with us on Twitter, give us a follow @Awful_Ads. Feel free to add your own opinions below.

Capital One

We assumed there would be plenty of Capital One responses and you guys didn't disappoint. What surprised us was how few mentioned Jimmy Fallon. Perhaps enough time has passed for viewers to have forgotten the dreadful Fallon doing bad accents and Fallon screaming at a child spots. Now the complaints are all centered around Alec Baldwin. Capital One is the big winner (er, loser) based on your feedback.


There were very few mentions of Discover in our little survey. That doesn't mean they're off the hook, but it appears most folks don't mind Peggy or the fact someone is actually picking up the phone when you call. Speaking of which, where is Peggy?


Very few mentions of Chase as well. However, it appears no one likes bad covers of Footloose

American Express

We aren't sure which commercial the next reader was talking about, but his response was one we just had to include.


Sorry, Visa. Not even a company associated with Morgan Freeman's lovely voice is immune to bad advertisements. 


Several companies have gone the "prove you're fun by purchasing stuff you can't afford" route. It's always a bad route. 

All of them

This response kind of avoids the whole point of the question, but they make a strong case. At some point every credit card company has produced a stinker. Let it be a lesson that sometimes less is more and that you should always know which way the card should be swiped. 

About David Rogers

Editor for The Comeback and Contributing Editor for Awful Announcing. Lover of hockey, soccer and all things pop culture.
