Tip Jar: Here’s a vacuum to solve your erectile dysfunction

Move over Wax Vac, there's a new Vac in town that's ready to steal the laughs each time its commercial airs. Meet the Pos-T-Vac, a vacuum that's ready to solve your erectile dysfunction. 


Holy cow. 

There have been plenty of commercials for erectile dysfunction on television the past few years but this one might take the cake. From the graphic that depicts how the Vac sucks (for lack of a better word) to the old folks swinging in a tire swing, there's almost too much here to feature in just one article. 

Then there are the customer reviews. "If you have a brain in your head, dial this 1-800 number after this commercial." Nice pun, sir. Remember, Pos-T-Vac is covered by most insurance companies so don't wait another second to have your own personal dong vacuum sent to your home!

Thanks to Jodie Cook for bringing this to our attention. 

About David Rogers

Editor for The Comeback and Contributing Editor for Awful Announcing. Lover of hockey, soccer and all things pop culture.
