Bank of America chose a terrible song for their commercial

Bank of America is probably not one of America's favorite businesses for various and sundry reasons that I won't get into here. I can understand their need to work their image into something relatable, something "folksy," something "trendy middle class guy."  They could've done a little better job picking their soundtrack.

Those of you with sharp ears and a taste for classic rock might recognize that tune as "Never Going Back Again" from Fleetwood Mac's billion selling album Rumours. Seriously, it's the sixth best selling album ever released. Everyone has heard it; most everyone owns it. 

Is a song with lyrics like this the best decision for a commercial?

You don't know what it means to win
Come down and see me again
Been down one time
Been down two times
I'm never going back again
I'm going to have to go with no, especially not for an ad showing a guy going out on a hopeful date.

About Laura Astorian

Laura Astorian is the head editor for the SB Nation blog St. Louis Game Time and has been a Blues fan from childhood. She promises that any anti-Blackhawks bias will be left at the door. Maybe.
