Dannon Oikos cleverly combines online dating and yogurt

Television is plagued with ads from online dating sites. They all look and sound the same, except for the few quirky ones like farmersonly.com (city folks just don’t get it). So it’s pretty cool to see a yogurt company, Dannon Oikos, taking a shot at those ads while promoting their Oikos brand in the same motion. It’s a pretty clever spot that won me over.


Yes, the ad is a little cheesy. Especially the names of the online dater’s potential snack suitors, with Chip Potato being the least thought out of them all. When she gets to Dan N. Oikos she picks him because of his great qualities. The rest is a dreamy montage of romantic activities turned hilarious because the man has a massive yogurt cup around his waist. I’ve seen a million dating website commercials with romantic scenes and not a single one has a man wearing yogurt, so props to Dannon’s creativity for making match.com and the other websites look like fools.

P.S. besides, obviously farmersonly.com

About Stephen Freyman

Contributor to awfulads, basketball-society.com, and a lover of all things Sixers. @fryperson
