Abhorrent 9/11 mattress commercial is undoubtedly 2016’s worst

It’s that time of the year again. It’s time to choose the worst ad of 2016. Unfortunately, this year’s worst advertisement was a no-brainer. An ad so excruciating, so deliberately distasteful, it might be the worst commercial of all-time.

Of course, the worst ad of 2016 is Miracle Mattress’ offensive 9/11 spoof. Yes, they not only used 9/11, a senseless tragedy resulting in the deaths of thousands, to advertise mattresses, but they did so in the worst possible way.


“What better way to remember 9/11 than with a twin tower sale?” the woman in the ad says, without an ounce of understanding. What makes the commercial especially stupid is when she raises her hands and knocks the two men behind her into the mattresses, which is a horrible reference to multiple planes hitting the Twin Towers. She screams as the mattresses fall over, and swallows her smile and looks dead at the camera and says “We’ll never forget.” SHEESH.

There’s no compassion or remorse displayed at all when talking about the extremely sensitive topic. Instead, tragedy is used as a selling point. The ad is baffling.  It’s disgusting and rightfully resulted in the companies Facebook page to be bombarded with critical comments and one-star reviews.

The video is proof (not that it’s needed) using one of America’s greatest tragedies to sell products is a horrible idea. You’d think that goes without saying, but apparently, these bozo’s needed the advice.

About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com
