Toy Story ad for Sky Broadband

Here’s a fun ad from the UK where Pixar’s/Disney’s Toy Story characters assist in promoting both their upcoming special Toy Story That Time Forgot as well as Sky Broadband. This joint promotion feels a bit shaky as it’s kind of odd seeing Toy Story characters pitching products/services, but the style of humor and the animation […]

Poker player Phil Hellmuth is in a Carl’s Jr. ad

Has Carl’s Jr. / Hardee’s convinced you to buy a burger through their continuous use of sexual commercials? No? Well, maybe this ad with poker player Phil Hellmuth will do the trick. In what can only be described as an odd strategic reversal, the burger chain went from smoking ladies rubbing burgers all over their face […]

Oreo’s Lick Races are incredibly pointless

We’re a fan of Oreo’s marketing. In fact, they’re usually on the short list of companies who we think do an admirable job when it comes to advertising, particularly through social media and reacting to current events. Unfortunately, their Lick Race concept is just too bad to ignore. If you check out Oreo’s YouTube page, […]

Mall commercial may make your ears bleed

There’s bad singing and then there’s whatever this is in a local ad for a mall in St. Joseph, Missouri. Apparently the mall decided to market all of their stores and Back to School products by allowing their employees to sing.

The strange Saved By the Bell Movie promo

Have you seen the promo for the unofficial Saved By the Bell movie? If not, it’s a bizarre 30 seconds. You’ve probably heard the story of what allegedly took place behind the scenes on Saved By the Bell. Now there’s an unofficial movie which takes actors who kind of resemble the old cast and place […]

Awful Classics: When Party Poker ads ruled the TV

It wasn’t long ago that commercials for online poker dominated the airwaves. If you flipped on ESPN, you were met with ads for Poker Stars, Full Tilt Poker, Ultimate Bet, Absolute Poker and of course the crappiest one of them all, Party Poker. Party Poker was one of the most popular poker sites out of […]

Fruit of the Loom celebrates Back to School season with horrible dancing

Here’s a Fruit of the Loom ad you probably never want to see again. In an effort to celebrate the fact it’s Back to School season, Fruit of the Loom shows a woman awkwardly dancing. It’s probably pretty accurate that parents are thrilled to send their kids back to school, but is this supposed to […]

The infuriating McDonald’s Jalapeno Double Eco-nom-nom-nomics ad

Once upon a time, nom was a word you only occasionally saw online while browsing cute pictures of animals or you may have heard while watching a video of the Cookie Monster. The word has since grown in popularity and is now used in normal, yet annoying, conversations as well as ads for McDonald’s. It’s […]

Froot Loops ad with Super Maro Bros. has one big mistake

This Froot Loops ad where two parents enjoy a bowl of cereal and video games after their children go to sleep is actually pretty good. It’s not annoying, it has a fun message and it probably rings the nostalgia bell for a lot of viewers. Unfortunately, it has one mistake which is tough to overlook […]

Youtube users destroy Bret Michaels’ Nissan ad

If you’ve ever wandered through a Youtube video’s comment section, you quickly realized it’s a cesspool of vile, ignorant and insane thoughts. In some situations, such as Bret Michael’s Nissan ad, you find some real gems among the crazy. Here’s the four-minute remake of Endless Love titled Tough Love, featuring Nissan vehicles. There’s a […]
