
You must have a limited vocabulary to buy Fiber One

Shame on you, Fiber One. Shame. You took a perfectly acceptable product, an 80-calorie cereal, and made one of the most annoying commercials currently on television. The video above isn't the best quality but it's the best we could find on YouTube. Evidently those behind the ad didn't think it was worthy of appearing […]

Jose Canseco’s Old Milwaukee beer ads revealed

Jose Canseco starred in several (four by our count) Old Milwaukee beer commercials that aired exclusively in Kansas City during the 2012 MLB All-Star Break. Since then the ads have become mythological, seen by only a select few. The legend grew as those of us that weren't in one of the select markets questioned what […]

Legal Sea Foods’ campaign goes from Brokeback Mountain to killing Grandpa Unless you're a passionate fisher you probably don't find the sport / hobby very entertaining. Catching just one fish can consume an entire day. Legal Sea Foods, a seafood chain that is based out of Boston, released a new, edgy campaign demonstrating why you should spend your time dining with them as opposed to […]

Is Google Chrome’s new sentimental ad a bit much? Google has again done the unthinkable – they've made an emotional advertisement about a web browser. I give credit where credit is due. Prior to Google's ad campaign around Chrome I never suspected I would be captivated during an ad for a web browser.  The latest offering from Google features a young girl headed […]

Velveeta honors that weird helicopter guy in the mall Velveeta wants you to be like that weird, annoying helicopter guy in the mall. You know the guy you desperately try to avoid so he doesn't give you a pitch on how his plastic toy can change you and your family's life? Him. Velveeta is now using that very guy to try and get you […]

Dog swallow your keys? Good thing you own a Jetta Occasionally the staff of Awful Advertisements will shine the spotlight on an ad we actually enjoyed. After all, we can only take so much sensory punishment in a given day and we imagine you could use a break as well. Here, Volkswagen strikes advertising gold by showing off the benefits of owning a Jetta […]

Ray Vinson haunts televisions in St. Louis

Residents of St. Louis love their Cardinals and their Blues. Unfortunately, in order to follow their favorite teams they also have to subject themselves to Vinson Mortgage Group's horrific set of commercials that continually plague St. Louis airwaves.  Above you'll find one example of what the Vinsons churn out on a regular basis. Here the […]

Racy Ragu ad raises eyebrows A scarred child, a creepy soundtrack and Ragu – three ingredients for a commercial that left us feeling dirty after we watched it.  Little Billy (a name we made up) wanders up the stairs searching for his mom. Judging by the book under his arm, Billy needs some help on his homework. He opens […]

Pepsi soccer ad stomps on common sense Pepsi's latest ad brings together an impressive collection of soccer players that crowd surf in order to be the first to a Pepsi vending machine located at the far end of a very crowded Calvin Harris concert. Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? It is. It's also more dangerous than you might think. Pepsi's concept looked […]
